关于「 mango」的内容列表

Multi-VM full-chain infrastructure network Mango Network announced the completion of $13.50 million financing

Multi-VM full-chain infrastructure network Mango Network announced the completion of a $13.50 million financing round, including Ainfra Ventures, Kucoin Ventures, Tido Capital, Connectico Capital, Becker Ventures, Tfund, Mobile Capital, CatcherVC and Family Office from HongKong.

2025-02-14 20:05:09
Multi-VM 全链基础设施网络 Mango Network 宣布完成 1350 万美元融资

Multi-VM 全链基础设施网络 Mango Network 宣布完成 1350 万美元融资,投资人包括 Ainfra Ventures、Kucoin Ventures、Tido Capital、Connectico Capital、 Becker Ventures、Tfund、Mobile Capital、CatcherVC 以及来自 HongKong 的 Family Office 参与了本轮融资。

2025-02-14 20:05:09
Mango Markets is winding down operations starting tomorrow following a settlement with the SEC

Mango Markets, the Solana on-chain DEX, is winding down its operations after reaching a settlement with the SEC, conducting a governance vote and dealing with legal issues arising from the 2022 breach. Yesterday Mango Markets announced through its X account that it was "closing the platform, it is time for users to position squaring". The move follows the "adjustment of interest rates and collateral" requirement in the governance proposal to end lending exposure on the platform, which will take ...

2025-01-12 20:46:28
Mango Markets明日起逐步结束运营,此前与SEC达成和解

Solana 链上 DEX Mango Markets 在与 SEC 达成和解、进行治理投票以及处理 2022 年漏洞引发的法律问题后,正在逐步结束其运营。昨日 Mango Markets 通过其 X 账户宣布,“关闭平台,是时候让用户平仓了”。此举遵循治理提案中“调整利率和抵押品”的要​​求,结束平台上的借贷敞口,将于 1 月 13 日生效。

2025-01-12 20:46:28
Mango Labs Sues DAO Members for Allegedly Misappropriating $10 million in Internal Funds

Mango Labs has filed a lawsuit against John Kramer and Maximilian Schneider, accusing them of embezzling $10 million from the Mango Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). John Kramer and Maximilian Schneider held fiduciary positions in the DAO and were accused of conspiring to illegally profit while they bought the DAO's MNGO governance tokens held by the bankrupt FTX on behalf of the DAO. The lawsuit alleges that the duo violated fiduciary duty and violated Puerto Rican civil law regardin...

2024-10-11 06:18:01
Mango Labs起诉DAO成员涉嫌挪用1000万美元内部资金

Mango Labs 已对 John Kramer 和 Maximilian Schneider 提起诉讼,指控他们从 Mango 去中心化自治组织(DAO)盗用了 1000 万美元。 John Kramer 和 Maximilian Schneider在 DAO 中担任信托职务,并被指控合谋非法获利,同时他们代表 DAO 购买了破产的 FTX 持有的 DAO 的 MNGO 治理代币。 诉讼指控二人违反受托责任,违反波多黎各民法关于损害赔偿、欺诈/虚假陈述...

2024-10-11 06:18:01
Mango Fails Proposal to "Authorize Payment of Nearly $700,000 to SEC to Settlement Charges"

The MangoDAO community failed to pass a proposal to "authorize nearly $700,000 in payments to the SEC to settle allegations."

2024-10-09 11:16:47


2024-10-09 11:16:47
Mango Markets to reach $500,000 settlement with CFTC, subject to community vote

Decentralized crypto exchange Mango Markets is considering reaching a $500,000 settlement with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The exchange faces CFTC charges for not registering as a commodities exchange, illegally providing services to U.S. users, and failing to authenticate customers. Mango Markets' legal representative proposed to avoid litigation by paying a fine, but did not admit or deny any wrongdoing. The proposal is subject to a vote by MNGO, the governance token ...

2024-09-24 06:30:38
Mango Markets拟与CFTC达成50万美元和解协议,仍需社区投票批准

去中心化加密交易所Mango Markets正考虑与美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)达成一项50万美元的和解协议。该交易所因未注册为商品交易所、非法为美国用户提供服务及未进行客户身份验证而面临CFTC指控。Mango Markets的法律代表提议通过支付罚款来避免诉讼,但不承认或否认任何不当行为。 该提议需由Mango Markets的治理代币持有者MNGO投票通过,当前结果显示...

2024-09-24 06:30:38
Mango Markets Launches New Spot Exchange Fill City on Solana

Solana Ecosystem DEX Mango Markets has announced the launch of a new spot exchange Fill City on Solana, powered by the order book of its open-source router technologies Autobahn and Manifest.

2024-09-21 15:30:03
Mango Markets 在 Solana 上推出新现货交易所 Fill City

Solana 生态 DEX Mango Markets 宣布在 Solana 上推出新现货交易所 Fill City,由其开源路由器技术 Autobahn 和 Manifest 的订单簿提供支持。

2024-09-21 15:30:03
Mango Markets is preparing to settle with the SEC over allegations that it violated a series of securities laws

Mango DAO, the governing entity that manages Mango Markets, began voting on Monday on a "proposed SEC settlement" that would require the company to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines, destroy its MNGO tokens and seek to remove it from other trading venues. But if this vote passes (and there are enough votes to pass), and the agency does accept the proposal. Governance tokens MNGO becomes worthless if investors vote on everything from token listings, buybacks, debt repayment, and SEC s...

2024-08-20 09:27:32
Mango Markets正准备与美国SEC就其违反一系列证券法的指控达成和解

管理Mango Markets的管理实体Mango DAO于周一开始对一项 “SEC和解提议提案 ”进行投票,该提案将要求该公司支付数十万美元的罚款,销毁其持有的MNGO代币,并寻求将其从其他交易场所除名。但如果这次投票通过(已经有足够票数通过),并且该机构确实接受了这一提议。如果投资者用于投票决定代币上市、回购、债务偿还以及SEC和解等一切事项,治理代币MNGO变得毫无价值,

2024-08-20 09:27:32
Sanctum launches LSTs such as mangoSOL, and proposals need to be submitted for future cooperation projects

Sanctum announced several new LSTs at X, including mangoSOL (Mango), uptSOL (UpRock), (lotusSOL) LOTUS, uSOL (Urban Node), pineSOL (Pine Analytics), gS (Guardian Validator), and eonSOL (EONpool). In addition, after this, the team will launch the new LST in a more open and collaborative manner. Any project that wants to launch an LST in partnership with Sanctum must submit a proposal on the research.sanctum.so.

2024-08-17 12:27:46